About the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI)

Informing policy change since 2016

The MGI helps governments, upon request, take stock of their migration policies and strategies to identify good practices and areas with potential for further development. By focusing on government ownership of the process, the MGI supports governments at the national and local levels to gradually improve their migration management systems.

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Migrant's Rights

Indicators in this domain look at:

  • Migrants’ access to basic social services and social security
  • Family reunification
  • Right to work
  • Long-term residency and path to citizenship
  • Civil participation
  • Signature and ratification of international conventions
  • Bilateral agreements

Indicators in this domain assess the extent to which migrants have the same status as citizens in terms of access to basic social services such as health, education, and social security. It also describes the rights of migrants to family reunification, to work, and to residency and citizenship. The ratification of the main international conventions is also included within this domain.


Whole of Government Approach

Indicators in this domain look at:

  • Institutional framework
  • Migration strategy
  • Legal framework
  • Institutional transparency and coherence
  • Migration data

Indicators in this domain assess countries’ institutional, legal, and regulatory frameworks related to migration policies. Domain 2 also reviews the existence of national migration strategies that are in-line with development, as well as institutional transparency and coherence in relation to migration management. This domain also investigates the extent to which governments collect and use migration data.


Indicators in this domain look at:

  • Regional cooperation
  • Global cooperation

This domain focuses on countries’ efforts to cooperate on migration-related issues with other states and with relevant non-governmental actors, including civil society organizations and the private sector. Cooperation can lead to improvements in governance by aligning and raising standards, increasing dialogue and providing structures to overcome challenges.

Mobility Dimensions

Indicators in this domain look at:

  • Crisis resilience and preparedness
  • Emergency response
  • Post-crisis actions
  • Inclusiveness of migrants

This domain studies the type and level of preparedness of countries when they are faced with mobility dimensions of crises, linked to either disasters, the environment and/or conflict. The questions are used to identify the processes in place for nationals and non-nationals both during and after disasters, including whether humanitarian assistance is equally available to migrants as it is to citizens.

Well-being of Migrants

Indicators in this domain look at:

  • Labour migration management
  • Skills and qualification recognition schemes
  • Student migration regulation
  • Bilateral labour agreements
  • Migrant remittances

This domain includes indicators on countries’ policies for managing the socioeconomic well-being of migrants, through aspects such as the recognition of migrants’ educational and professional qualifications, provisions regulating student migration and the existence of bilateral labour agreements between countries. Indicators equally focus on policies and strategies related to diaspora engagement and migrant remittances. 

Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Indicators in this domain look at:

  • Border control and enforcement
  • Admission and eligibility criteria
  • Return and reintegration policies
  • Measures to combat human trafficking and smuggling

This domain analyses countries’ approaches to migration management in terms of border control and enforcement policies, admission criteria for migrants, preparedness and resilience in the case of significant and unexpected migration flows, as well as the fight against trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants. It also assesses efforts and incentives to help integrate returning citizens.


Click on the wheel to learn more about the six dimensions of migration governance included in the MiGOF and MGI.

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Governance Profiles

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Participant countries and local jurisdictions


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Zentralafrikanische Republik

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Key Characteristics for Process
Launch of the MGI

Ensuring government buy-in through a presentation of the process and possible impact of the project.

Data collection and analysis

This is done with the Economist Impact through desk research and key informant interviews to answer all 90+ questions.

Inter-ministerial consultation

Discussion of the findings and identification of ways forward to address gaps.

Publication of the report

The Country Profile is endorsed by the government and published in the Migration Data Portal.

How does the MGI contribute to better migration governance?

Generate a government-wide dialogue on migration governance


Use the findings to inform policy change


Establish baselines to track and report progress on national and international commitments, such as the GCM and SDGs

Migration Governance Insights: Informing People-centred Migration Policies

This publication analyses how migration is governed across the world, based on MGI data from 100 national and 69 local-level assessments, carried out between 2016 and 2023. It showcases examples of migration policy responses in different contexts, and highlights the role of local governments in shaping people-centred migration policies. It also provides a set of recommendations for policy makers and practitioners to improve migration governance at the national and local levels.

MGI booklet 2023 banner
The Migration Governance Indicators Success Stories 2023

Featuring 24 countries and cities that have recently taken advantage of the MGI process, this booklet highlights how the MGI has been instrumental in strengthening migration frameworks through the development of new policies and laws, and action plans to achieve goals outlined in global commitments. This booklet offers concise insights that can inspire other governments to use the MGI to harness the power of migration.

National MGI Report
Migration Governance Profile: Republic of Malawi

This Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) profile presents a summary of well-developed areas of migration governance in Malawi as well as areas with potential for further development, as assessed through the MGI. The MGI is a standard set of approximately 90 indicators to assist countries in assessing their migration policies and advance the conversation on what well-governed migration might look like in practice.

Migration Governance Indicators Data and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: A Baseline Report

This document analyses global, regional and thematic trends that emerge from MGI data in relation to the general commitment and the range of associated actions for each of the 23 Global Compact for Migration objectives. Grounded on the mapping of MGI indicators against Global Compact objectives, data analysis is based on MGI data collected between 2016 and 2021 for 84 countries that voluntarily conducted an MGI assessment and for which data are readily available as of March 2022. The core of the document consists of 23 data bulletins displaying global and regional summary statistics of the answers to the MGI questions mapped against the respective Compact objectives.

Guidance Note
The Migration Governance Indicators (MGI): A key tool for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration implementation

Created in 2016 by IOM, the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) programme is a tool that supports governments in taking stock of the comprehensiveness of their migration policies, as well as in identifying gaps and areas that could be strengthened. The MGI framework is aligned with the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration as the indicators can be mapped out against all the 23 objectives of the Compact. This guidance note aims to illustrate the ways in which governments and other relevant stakeholders can use the MGI in the implementation, follow-up and review of progress towards the achievement of Global Compact objectives.

MGI Videos

Towards better migration governance

This video presents the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI), a framework developed by the

The Local Migration Governance Indicators – A look into the way local authorities govern migration

A look into the way local authorities govern migration

Latest Publications
LP - Publications

Bridging the Gap: Migration Policies and People’s Policy Perspectives in Balti and Cahul (Republic of Moldova)

Migrant needs and the policies aimed at supporting them are often evaluated in isolation, making the formulation of effective policies that respond to the reality on the ground more difficult. Seeking to bridge this gap, two major IOM global initiatives have been identified as crucial data sources to enable a comprehensive assessment of the needs of migrants in order to inform policy and programmatic responses: the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and the Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs). These two methodologies have been combined to develop an innovative approach in two municipalities of the Republic of Moldova – Balti and Cahul – selected based on their geographically strategic positions on main migration corridors, socioeconomic profiles and local authorities’ close collaboration with IOM. 


Migration Governance Insights: Informing People-centred Migration Policies

This publication is structured around three policy goals that echo IOM’s strategic priorities (saving lives and protecting people, addressing climate-related mobility and displacement, and facilitating pathways for labour migration), as well as three policy enablers, i.e. the elements that underpin the development of sound policies (empowering migrants, promoting migration policy coherence and building relevant partnerships). These are further broken down into 13 key policy areas. 

Perspectives sur la gouvernance de la migration : Concevoir des politiques migratoires centrées sur les personnes

Comment les migrations sont-elles régies dans le monde ? Quelles sont les principales tendances ? Quels sont les enseignements qui peuvent aider les gouvernements à élaborer des politiques et des systèmes qui favorisent des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières, ainsi qu’à exploiter leur potentiel ? Cette publication répond à ces questions en s'appuyant sur les données des Indicateurs de gouvernance des migrations (IGM) issues de 100 évaluations nationales et 69 évaluations locales, réalisées entre 2016 et 2023. Elle présente également des exemples de réponses politiques en matière de migration dans différents contextes, en mettant l'accent sur les complémentarités potentielles entre les différents domaines politiques ainsi qu’en soulignant le rôle central joué par les gouvernements locaux dans l'élaboration de politiques migratoires centrées sur les personnes.



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