Indicators in this domain assess the extent to which migrants have the same status as citizens in terms of access to basic social services such as health, education, and social security. It also describes the rights of migrants to family reunification, to work, and to residency and citizenship. The ratification of the main international conventions is also included within this domain.
Indicators in this category look at the extent to which migrants have access to certain social services such as health, education and social security. They also examine measures to ensure integration and access to work.
Indicators in this domain assess countries’ institutional, legal, and regulatory frameworks related to migration policies. Domain 2 also reviews the existence of national migration strategies that are in-line with development, as well as institutional transparency and coherence in relation to migration management. This domain also investigates the extent to which governments collect and use migration data.
Indicators in this category assess the institutional frameworks of cities for migration. This area also examines the existence of migration strategies consistent with development objectives, as well as institutional transparency and coherence in migration management.
This domain focuses on countries’ efforts to cooperate on migration-related issues with other states and with relevant non-governmental actors, including civil society organizations and the private sector. Cooperation can lead to improvements in governance by aligning and raising standards, increasing dialogue and providing structures to overcome challenges.
Indicators in this category focus on cities’ efforts to cooperate on migration issues with the national government as well as other cities and relevant non-governmental actors, including civil society organizations and the private sector.
This domain includes indicators on countries’ policies for managing the socioeconomic well-being of migrants, through aspects such as the recognition of migrants’ educational and professional qualifications, provisions regulating student migration and the existence of bilateral labour agreements between countries. Indicators equally focus on policies and strategies related to diaspora engagement and migrant remittances.
Indicators in this category assess cities’ initiatives in terms of international student mobility, access to the labour market and decent working conditions for migrant workers. Aspects related to diaspora engagement and migrant remittances are also included in this domain.
This domain studies the type and level of preparedness of countries when they are faced with mobility dimensions of crises, linked to either disasters, the environment and/or conflict. The questions are used to identify the processes in place for nationals and non-nationals both during and after disasters, including whether humanitarian assistance is equally available to migrants as it is to citizens.
Indicators in this category examine the type and level of readiness of cities to deal with aspects of mobility crises. The questions focus on the processes in place for citizens and non-citizens both during and after disasters, especially if humanitarian assistance is available for migrants and citizens.
This domain analyses countries’ approach to migration management in terms of border control and enforcement policies, admission criteria for migrants, preparedness and resilience in the case of significant and unexpected migration flows, as well as the fight against trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants. It also assesses efforts and incentives to help integrate returning citizens.
Indicators in this category look at the cities’ approaches to migrant safety as well as return and reintegration policies and the fight against trafficking in persons.
This country Profile describes examples of well-developed areas of the Republic of Sierra Leone’s (hereafter referred to as Sierra Leone) migration governance structures and areas with potential for further development, as evaluated through the six domains of the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI). These address migrants’ rights, a “whole-of-government” approach, partnerships, socioeconomic well-being of migrants, the mobility dimensions of crises, and safe and orderly migration.
Click the icons on the wheel to explore the key findings.
The Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) initiative is a policy-benchmarking programme led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and implemented with research and analysis from the Economist Intelligence Unit. Funding is provided by IOM Member States.
Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas:
- Migrants can access both free and paid health-care services regardless of status, under the same condition as nationals.
- The National Social Security and Insurance Trust Act covers all formally employed persons, including migrants employed in the formal sector.
- The Non-Citizens (Registration, Immigration and Expulsion) Act allows migrants workers in Sierra Leone to apply for visas for immediate family members.
Areas with potential for further development:
- Neither the Constitution of Sierra Leone nor relevant laws such as the Non-Citizens Act and the Education Act include a guaranteed right to education for non-citizens.
- Sierra Leone does not have arrangements for the portability of social security entitlements and earned benefits with other countries beyond ECOWAS member States.
- There is currently no path to permanent residency in Sierra Leone.
Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas:
- The Immigration Services Directorate designed and is responsible for the implementation of Sierra Leone’s National Migration Policy.
- The National Migration Policy adopts a gender-sensitive approach and aims to strengthen migration procedures, prevent and combat irregular migration and protect the rights of migrants among others.
Areas with potential for further development
- There is no strategy to combat racism or xenophobia in Sierra Leone.
- There is no interministerial institution focusing on migration issues.
- The Government does not regularly collect data on migration with the exception of data on human trafficking and refugees.
Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas:
- Sierra Leone is a member of the Migration Dialogue for West Africa (MIDWA) – a regional consultative process (RCP) to discuss common migration issues.
- Sierra Leone has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) related to migration with the United Kingdom, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana.
Areas with potential for further development:
- Sierra Leone does not have any formal bilateral agreements relating to migration.
- The Government engages civil society organizations on migration issues only on an ad hoc basis, and engagement with the private sector has not focused on migration.
Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas:
- The Inter-Ministerial Work Permit Committee takes into account migrant workers’ skills and qualifications when considering admissions.
- The National Labour Migration Policy includes gender sensitive provisions, such as the prevention of trafficking of women and children.
Areas with potential for further development:
- The Government does not regularly collect data relating to labour migration.
- Non-nationals can access university education, but they pay higher fees than nationals.
Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas:
- During crises and emergencies, the Government provides assistance to everyone affected without discrimination, including migrants.
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government conducted information campaigns in border and migrant communities and implemented health screening and testing at major border posts.
- Sierra Leone keeps a record of nationals living abroad through voluntary registration with diplomatic missions.
Areas with potential for further development:
- Communication mechanisms in times of disaster contain no provisions to address the specific vulnerabilities of migrants.
- Sierra Leone’s national disaster response plans do not specifically mention migration or the rights of migrants.
Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas:
- The Sierra Leone Immigration Department is responsible for border management and its website includes detailed information on the different types of visa and permits.
- Sierra Leone’s National Task Force on Human Trafficking coordinates the implementation of the Anti-Human Trafficking Act.
- The National Labour Migration Policy includes measures intended to reduce migrants’ vulnerability against exploitative labour practices.
Areas with potential for further development:
- The police and armed forces working at the borders only receive ad hoc trainings.
- There is no policy in place to ensure that migrant detention is used only as a measure of last resort.