Über die Indikatoren der Migrationspolitik
Über die Indikatoren der Migrationspolitik
Die Rechte der Migrantinnen und Migranten
Die Rechte der Migrantinnen und Migranten

Indikatoren in dieser Dimension analysieren, inwieweit Migrantinnen und Migranten hinsichtlich des Zugangs zu grundlegenden sozialen Diensten wie Gesundheit, Bildung und soziale Sicherheit den gleichen Status wie Bürgerinnen und Bürger haben. Es beschreibt die Rechte von Migrantinnen und Migranten auf Familienzusammenführung, Arbeit, Aufenthalt und Staatsbürgerschaft. Die Ratifizierung der wichtigsten internationalen Konventionen fällt ebenfalls in diesen Bereich.main.

Ganzer Regierungsansatz
Ganzer Regierungsansatz

Indikatoren in dieser Dimension bewerten die institutionellen, rechtlichen und regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen der Länder im Zusammenhang mit Migrationspolitik. Dimension 2 beinhaltet auch das Vorhandensein von nationalen Migrationsstrategien, die mit Entwicklungspolitik und -ansätzen im Einklang stehen, sowie die institutionelle Transparenz und Kohärenz in Bezug auf Migrationsmanagement. In diesem Bereich wird auch untersucht, inwieweit Regierungen Migrationsdaten erheben und verwenden.


Diese Dimension konzentriert sich auf die Bemühungen von Ländern, in migrationsbezogenen Fragen mit anderen Staaten und einschlägigen nichstaatlichen Akteuren, einschließlich Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft und des Privatsektors, zusammenzuarbeiten. Kooperation kann zu Verbesserungen der Regierungsführung führen, indem Standards angeglichen und angehoben, der Dialog intensiviert und Strukturen der Bewältigung von Herausforderungen geschaffen werden. 

Das Wohlergehen der Migrantinnen und Migranten
Das Wohlergehen der Migrantinnen und Migranten

Diese Dimension umfasst Indikatoren für die Politik der Länder zur Steuerung des sozioökonomischen Wohlergehens von Migrantinnen und Migranten, z.B. die Anerkennung der Bildungs- und Berufsqualifikationen von Migrantinnen und Migranten, Bestimmungen zur Regelung der Studentenmigration und das Bestehen bilateraler Arbeitsabkommen zwischen Ländern. Die Indikatoren konzentrieren sich gleichermaßen auf Maßnahmen und Strategien im Zusammenhang mit dem Engagement der Diasporamitglieder und den grenzüberschreitenden Geldtransfers von Migrantinnen und Migranten

Mobilitätsdimensionen von Krisen
Mobilitätsdimensionen von Krisen

Diese Dimension befasst sich mit der Art und dem Grad der Bereitschaft von Ländern, wenn sie mit Mobilitätsdimensionen von Krisen konfrontiert sind, die entweder mit Katastrophen, der Umwelt und/oder Konflikten zusammenhängen. Die Fragen werden verwendet, um die Prozesse für Staatsangehörige und Ausländer sowohl während als auch Katastrophen zu ermitteln, einschließlich der Frage, ob humanitäre Hilfe für Migrantinnen und Migranten genauso verfügbar ist wir für Bürgerinnen und Bürger. 

Sichere, geordnete und reguläre Migration
Sichere, geordnete und reguläre Migration

Diese Dimension analysiert den Ansatz der Länder zum Migrationsmanagement bezüglich Grenzkontroll- und Grenzschutzmaßnahmen, Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für Migranten, Vorbereitung und Flexibilität bei erheblichen und unerwarteten Wanderungsbewegungen sowie die Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels und des Menschenschmuggels von Migrantinnen und Migranten. Es werden auch die Bemühungen und Anreize zur Unterstützung der Integration der zurückkehrenden Staatsbürgerinnen und -burger bewertet. 

Key findings

This Profile describes examples of well-developed areas of Municipality of Quilmes (Argentina) migration governance structures and areas with potential for further development, as evaluated through the six domains of the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI). These address migrants’ rights, a “whole-of-government” approach, partnerships, socioeconomic well-being of migrants, the mobility dimensions of crises, and safe and orderly migration.

Click the icons on the wheel to explore the key findings.

The Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) initiative is a policy-benchmarking programme led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and implemented with research and analysis from the Economist Intelligence Unit. Funding is provided by IOM Member States. 

Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • The Secretariat of Health of Quilmes ensures that migrants are able to access health services, in accordance with national guidelines and those of Buenos Aires Province. 
  • The Secretariat of Education of Quilmes formulates and executes policies and programs aimed at facilitating access to education and improving learning conditions for children and adolescents in the municipality. 
  • The local authorities carry out "Quilmes Cerca" operations to inform the general population, including migrants, about the various services provided by the Municipality.
  • The joint work of the Directorate of International Relations and the Undersecretary of Sports and Organizations provides technical assistance, process financial assistance, creates and formalizes new associations of migrant collectivities, in accordance with Law No. 15192 of Civil and Mutual Associations (2020).
  • The municipality of Quilmes and the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism signed a cooperation agreement in 2021 for training in the prevention of discriminatory practices and institutional violence, aimed at employees of the municipality.

Areas with potential for further development 

  • It was not possible to identify specific procedures and measures aimed at ensuring the protection of migrant children and unaccompanied minors.
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • The Directorate for Migrants and the Directorate of International Relations are responsible for coordinating the implementation and management of services for migrants in the municipality of Quilmes.
  • The Council of Communities of Quilmes brings together twenty institutions of migrant communities, which organize cultural, sports and social events and actively participate in the planning of the agenda of migration and cultural policies of the municipality. 
  • The Directorate for Migrants organizes a working group among different institutions to plan the local migration agenda, which focuses on access to rights, institutional strengthening, and intercultural visibility.
  • Local authorities provide clear and transparent information on migrants' rights, obligations, and access to municipal public services.

Areas with potential for further development 

  • The local authorities have a programmatic document with lines of action for local migration policy; however, at the time of writing, this document is not available to the public.
  • The Directorate for Migrants does not publish statistical information on migrants participating in activities carried out in the territory.
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • The Directorate of International Relations articulates with migrant associations and various consulates, the organization of mobile consulates to provide assistance in carrying out consular or immigration procedures.
  • The Municipality of Quilmes participates in international networks for the sharing of knowledge and best practices on migration, such as the Mercocities Network (since 2000) and the Cities of Solidarity Network (since 2020).
  • Quilmes is part of the Latin American and Caribbean Coalition of Cities against Racism, Discrimination and Xenophobia, a network of cities that encourages the sharing of experiences on this issue.
  • The municipality actively participates in the Commission on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights of the United Cities and Local Governments Network, which brings together local governments committed to the promotion of human rights.

Areas with potential for further development 

  • Local authorities do not formally engage with members of the diaspora and expatriate communities in setting the agenda or implementing local policies and programs related to migration.
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • The Employment Office of the municipality of Quilmes provides assistance in entrepreneurship and self-employment, which can be accessed by migrants.
  • In 2022, local authorities organized the Employability Workshop for Migrants to promote access to employment for the migrant community and provide information on labor rights in Argentina.
  • The Secretariat of Sustainable Economic Development of Quilmes implements the Punto Emprende program, which provides advice and training to local entrepreneurs, including migrants in a regular situation.
  • In 2022, the Fiesta de las Colectividades was held to promote the inclusion of entrepreneurs, artisans and migrant organizations present in the municipality.

Areas with potential for further development 

  • While the Employment Office offers some services to employers in general, there are no programs to help employers recruit resident non-nationals.
  • Local authorities have no specific measures in place to encourage international students to work locally after graduation or to facilitate this process across the country.
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • Local authorities have communication systems in place to provide information on the evolving nature of crises and ways of reaching assistance services.
  • In 2021, the community was trained on the different emergency numbers through the Emergency Promoters (Promotores en Emergencias) project provided by the municipality’s Civil Defence Department and the Fire Brigade.
  • The Management and Citizen Participation Centres and the Community Integration Centres of Quilmes function as decentralized territorial mechanisms for assistance in crisis situations.
  • The Secretariat of Children and Social Development applies national and international guidelines for protecting and restoring the rights of unaccompanied children and adolescents.

Areas with potential for further development 

  • At the time of this report, the Government was working on the Municipal Emergency Plan, which includes contingency plans and focuses primarily on the rehabilitation and early recovery of affected communities.
  • In Quilmes, there is a system of coordination and regular communication with consulates, but there is no evidence of specific agreements or partnerships for assisting non-nationals in the event of local emergencies.
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • In 2021, local authorities and the National Migration Directorate (DNM) carried out a virtual training for civil servants, municipal agents, and members of community institutions in migration rights and procedures.
  • In 2021, the Municipality of Quilmes and the DNM signed a cooperation agreement that includes the strengthening of access to rights activities and the training of municipal agents on the rights of migrants and refugees.

Areas with potential for further development 

  • The implementation of formal policies to promote the reintegration of migrants is considered an area with potential for development.
  • The municipality of Quilmes does not have measures to facilitate the arrival of refugee populations within its jurisdiction.

2022 November

Migration Governance Profile: Municipality of Quilmes