Über die Indikatoren der Migrationspolitik
Über die Indikatoren der Migrationspolitik
Die Rechte der Migrantinnen und Migranten
Die Rechte der Migrantinnen und Migranten

Indikatoren in dieser Dimension analysieren, inwieweit Migrantinnen und Migranten hinsichtlich des Zugangs zu grundlegenden sozialen Diensten wie Gesundheit, Bildung und soziale Sicherheit den gleichen Status wie Bürgerinnen und Bürger haben. Es beschreibt die Rechte von Migrantinnen und Migranten auf Familienzusammenführung, Arbeit, Aufenthalt und Staatsbürgerschaft. Die Ratifizierung der wichtigsten internationalen Konventionen fällt ebenfalls in diesen Bereich.main.

Ganzer Regierungsansatz
Ganzer Regierungsansatz

Indikatoren in dieser Dimension bewerten die institutionellen, rechtlichen und regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen der Länder im Zusammenhang mit Migrationspolitik. Dimension 2 beinhaltet auch das Vorhandensein von nationalen Migrationsstrategien, die mit Entwicklungspolitik und -ansätzen im Einklang stehen, sowie die institutionelle Transparenz und Kohärenz in Bezug auf Migrationsmanagement. In diesem Bereich wird auch untersucht, inwieweit Regierungen Migrationsdaten erheben und verwenden.


Diese Dimension konzentriert sich auf die Bemühungen von Ländern, in migrationsbezogenen Fragen mit anderen Staaten und einschlägigen nichstaatlichen Akteuren, einschließlich Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft und des Privatsektors, zusammenzuarbeiten. Kooperation kann zu Verbesserungen der Regierungsführung führen, indem Standards angeglichen und angehoben, der Dialog intensiviert und Strukturen der Bewältigung von Herausforderungen geschaffen werden. 

Das Wohlergehen der Migrantinnen und Migranten
Das Wohlergehen der Migrantinnen und Migranten

Diese Dimension umfasst Indikatoren für die Politik der Länder zur Steuerung des sozioökonomischen Wohlergehens von Migrantinnen und Migranten, z.B. die Anerkennung der Bildungs- und Berufsqualifikationen von Migrantinnen und Migranten, Bestimmungen zur Regelung der Studentenmigration und das Bestehen bilateraler Arbeitsabkommen zwischen Ländern. Die Indikatoren konzentrieren sich gleichermaßen auf Maßnahmen und Strategien im Zusammenhang mit dem Engagement der Diasporamitglieder und den grenzüberschreitenden Geldtransfers von Migrantinnen und Migranten

Mobilitätsdimensionen von Krisen
Mobilitätsdimensionen von Krisen

Diese Dimension befasst sich mit der Art und dem Grad der Bereitschaft von Ländern, wenn sie mit Mobilitätsdimensionen von Krisen konfrontiert sind, die entweder mit Katastrophen, der Umwelt und/oder Konflikten zusammenhängen. Die Fragen werden verwendet, um die Prozesse für Staatsangehörige und Ausländer sowohl während als auch Katastrophen zu ermitteln, einschließlich der Frage, ob humanitäre Hilfe für Migrantinnen und Migranten genauso verfügbar ist wir für Bürgerinnen und Bürger. 

Sichere, geordnete und reguläre Migration
Sichere, geordnete und reguläre Migration

Diese Dimension analysiert den Ansatz der Länder zum Migrationsmanagement bezüglich Grenzkontroll- und Grenzschutzmaßnahmen, Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für Migranten, Vorbereitung und Flexibilität bei erheblichen und unerwarteten Wanderungsbewegungen sowie die Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels und des Menschenschmuggels von Migrantinnen und Migranten. Es werden auch die Bemühungen und Anreize zur Unterstützung der Integration der zurückkehrenden Staatsbürgerinnen und -burger bewertet. 

Key findings

This country Profile describes examples of well-developed areas of the Republic of Mongolia’s governance structures and areas with potential for further development, as evaluated through the six domains of the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI). These address migrants’ rights, a “whole-of-government” approach, partnerships, socioeconomic well-being of migrants, the mobility dimensions of crises, and safe and orderly migration.

Click the icons on the wheel to explore the key findings.

The Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) initiative is a policy-benchmarking programme led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and implemented with research and analysis from the Economist Impact. Funding is provided by IOM Member States. 

Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • Regular migrants in Mongolia have access to Government-funded health services, including compulsory insurance for employed individuals, and voluntary options for the unemployed, as per the Law on Health Insurance (2015, last amended in 2022).
  • The Law on the Rights of Children (2016, last amended in 2022) provides all migrants, regardless of their migration status, have equal access as citizens to Government-funded education. 
  • Mongolia maintains records of its nationals living abroad, through the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Immigration Agency of Mongolia,
  • Non-resident Mongolian citizens have the right to vote in a foreign country where a diplomatic mission of Mongolia is located, as per the Election Law (2016).

Areas with potential for further development 

  • Foreign residents do not have equal access to employment as Mongolian nationals. Moreover, the ability of foreign residents to take up self-employed activity depends on the specific visa categories stated in the Law on Labour Force Migration (2021, last amended 2023).
  • There is no specific strategy for addressing hate crimes, violence, xenophobia, and discrimination against migrants. 
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Consular Department are responsible for enacting Mongolia’s emigration policy and providing services to protect the rights and legal interests of Mongolian citizens living abroad.
  • The Laws on Civil State Registration (2018), on the Legal Status of Foreign Nationals (2010, last amended in 2023), on Citizenship (1995, last amended 2022), and on Labour Force Migration (2021, last amended in 2023) serve as Mongolia’s primary legislation regulating immigration.
  • Information on migration regulations and criteria are available to the public and published on the Unified Legal Information System website, in both Mongolian and English languages.
  • The Government holds regular consultations with decentralized levels of governance to enhance the vertical coherence of its migration-related policies, focusing on urban-to-rural migration under the New Revival Policy (2021).
  • The National Statistics Office (NSO) collects disaggregated data on foreign workers and internal migration, published quarterly and annually respectively, while the 2020 Census and upcoming 2025 census will include migration-related questions.

Areas with potential for further development 

  • Mongolia does not have a national migration strategy.
  • There is no coordination mechanism to compile and harmonize migration data collected by various government agencies. 
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • The government participates in two regional consultative processes on migration, the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (2002) and the Inter-governmental Asia–Pacific Consultations on Refugees, Displaced Persons and Migrants (1996).
  • Mongolia has migration-related agreements with Czechia (2019), Hungary (2011), Poland (2018), the Republic of Korea (2006), the Russian Federation (1981) and Türkiye (2018), focusing on social security, pensions, insurance, and employment.
  • The government engages CSOs in national and regional migration policy consultations and the implementation of policies and programmes at the national and local levels, as mandated by the Law on Development Policy, Planning, and Administration (2020, last amended in 2022).

Areas with potential for further development

  • Mongolia is not yet part of a regional agreement that promotes labour mobility.
  • There is no formal government framework for private sector and diaspora engagement in migration policy. Ad hoc consultations occur, but limited direct engagement exists. 
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • An annual national assessment to monitor labor market demand for immigrants in Mongolia determines annual quotas based on labor supply, demand, and government recommendations by October 1st each year.
  • International students in Mongolia have equal access to university education under Ministerial Order No. A/540 on the procedure for student recruitment (2022). Furthermore, international students in Mongolia are allowed to work, as outlined in the procedure for the employment of students (2020).
  • The Law on Labour Force Migration (2021, last amended in 2023) includes essential provisions to promote the ethical recruitment of migrant workers.
  • The Revised Rules of the Assistance Fund for Mongolian Citizens Living Abroad (2018) ensures the provision of necessary assistance to Mongolian citizens living abroad, especially during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters.

Areas with potential for further development 

  • The establishment of formalized criteria for recognizing foreign qualifications in Mongolia is an area for further development.
  • The government is not actively involved in promoting the creation of formal remittance schemes.
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • Mongolia actively participates in regional frameworks like the Regional Consultative Committee on Disaster Management (RCC) established by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in 2000, addressing climate-induced movements and disaster management, contributing to cooperative efforts and strategies for disaster reduction.
  • A communications system is in place to facilitate the flow of information during crises and enable the public to communicate their needs to the Government in Mongolia.

Areas with potential for further development 

  • Mongolia lacks a harmonized disaster risk management legislation and institutional frameworks that address the needs of migrants before, during and after emergencies and disasters.
  • Mongolia's Regulation on Displacement in Disasters (2011) aims to safeguard vulnerable groups during disasters through evacuation and relocation overseen by local governors but lacks specific provisions for migrants. Furthermore, neither the Law on Emergency (1995), the Law on Disaster Protection (2017) nor the National Programme for Community-based Disaster Reduction 2015–2025 contains specific provisions for preventing and addressing the impacts of displacement caused by disasters.
  • There is no policy or strategy to promote sustainable reintegration of migrants who fled the country during a crisis.
Key findings

Migration Governance: examples of well-developed areas

  • Mongolia's General Authority for Border Protection, under the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, oversees integrated border control and security per the Law on the Borders of Mongolia (2016, last amended in 2023).
  • The Government’s Concept of Mongolia’s Foreign Policy (2011) and the Mongolians of the World Programme II (2021) include measures to assist in the return and reintegration of Mongolian nationals who have emigrated.
  • There are measures to identify migrants in vulnerable situations and provide them with adequate referral and protection services, as specified in the Law on Combating Human Trafficking.
  • Mongolia has legal provisions implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection to protect unaccompanied and separated children, children in need of international protection, and children without parental care. These provisions are applicable to all children, including children of foreigners and stateless persons residing in Mongolia.
  • The Law on Labour Force Migration (2021, last amended in 2023) contains provisions to protect migrant workers from labour exploitation. 

Areas with potential for further development 

  • There is no policy or strategy in place that includes measures for promoting and prioritizing non‑custodial alternatives to detention. 

2023 Oktober

Migration Governance Indicators Profile: Republic of Mongolia