Über die Indikatoren der Migrationspolitik
Über die Indikatoren der Migrationspolitik
Die Rechte der Migrantinnen und Migranten
Die Rechte der Migrantinnen und Migranten

Indikatoren in dieser Dimension analysieren, inwieweit Migrantinnen und Migranten hinsichtlich des Zugangs zu grundlegenden sozialen Diensten wie Gesundheit, Bildung und soziale Sicherheit den gleichen Status wie Bürgerinnen und Bürger haben. Es beschreibt die Rechte von Migrantinnen und Migranten auf Familienzusammenführung, Arbeit, Aufenthalt und Staatsbürgerschaft. Die Ratifizierung der wichtigsten internationalen Konventionen fällt ebenfalls in diesen Bereich.main.

Ganzer Regierungsansatz
Ganzer Regierungsansatz

Indikatoren in dieser Dimension bewerten die institutionellen, rechtlichen und regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen der Länder im Zusammenhang mit Migrationspolitik. Dimension 2 beinhaltet auch das Vorhandensein von nationalen Migrationsstrategien, die mit Entwicklungspolitik und -ansätzen im Einklang stehen, sowie die institutionelle Transparenz und Kohärenz in Bezug auf Migrationsmanagement. In diesem Bereich wird auch untersucht, inwieweit Regierungen Migrationsdaten erheben und verwenden.


Diese Dimension konzentriert sich auf die Bemühungen von Ländern, in migrationsbezogenen Fragen mit anderen Staaten und einschlägigen nichstaatlichen Akteuren, einschließlich Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft und des Privatsektors, zusammenzuarbeiten. Kooperation kann zu Verbesserungen der Regierungsführung führen, indem Standards angeglichen und angehoben, der Dialog intensiviert und Strukturen der Bewältigung von Herausforderungen geschaffen werden. 

Das Wohlergehen der Migrantinnen und Migranten
Das Wohlergehen der Migrantinnen und Migranten

Diese Dimension umfasst Indikatoren für die Politik der Länder zur Steuerung des sozioökonomischen Wohlergehens von Migrantinnen und Migranten, z.B. die Anerkennung der Bildungs- und Berufsqualifikationen von Migrantinnen und Migranten, Bestimmungen zur Regelung der Studentenmigration und das Bestehen bilateraler Arbeitsabkommen zwischen Ländern. Die Indikatoren konzentrieren sich gleichermaßen auf Maßnahmen und Strategien im Zusammenhang mit dem Engagement der Diasporamitglieder und den grenzüberschreitenden Geldtransfers von Migrantinnen und Migranten

Mobilitätsdimensionen von Krisen
Mobilitätsdimensionen von Krisen

Diese Dimension befasst sich mit der Art und dem Grad der Bereitschaft von Ländern, wenn sie mit Mobilitätsdimensionen von Krisen konfrontiert sind, die entweder mit Katastrophen, der Umwelt und/oder Konflikten zusammenhängen. Die Fragen werden verwendet, um die Prozesse für Staatsangehörige und Ausländer sowohl während als auch Katastrophen zu ermitteln, einschließlich der Frage, ob humanitäre Hilfe für Migrantinnen und Migranten genauso verfügbar ist wir für Bürgerinnen und Bürger. 

Sichere, geordnete und reguläre Migration
Sichere, geordnete und reguläre Migration

Diese Dimension analysiert den Ansatz der Länder zum Migrationsmanagement bezüglich Grenzkontroll- und Grenzschutzmaßnahmen, Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für Migranten, Vorbereitung und Flexibilität bei erheblichen und unerwarteten Wanderungsbewegungen sowie die Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels und des Menschenschmuggels von Migrantinnen und Migranten. Es werden auch die Bemühungen und Anreize zur Unterstützung der Integration der zurückkehrenden Staatsbürgerinnen und -burger bewertet. 

Key findings

This country Profile describes examples of well-developed areas of the Republic of Peru governance structures and areas with potential for further development, as evaluated through the six domains of the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI). These address migrants’ rights, a “whole-of-government” approach, partnerships, socioeconomic well-being of migrants, the mobility dimensions of crises, and safe and orderly migration.

Click the icons on the wheel to explore the key findings.

The Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) initiative is a policy-benchmarking programme led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and implemented with research and analysis from the Economist Impact. Funding is provided by IOM Member States.

Key findings
Migrants' rights

Migration governance: Examples of well-developed areas

  • All regular migrants enjoy access to social protection. The coverage provided by the Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS) scheme was expanded in 2020 to include expectant mothers, minors of less than five years of age and persons affected by COVID-19, irrespective of their migration status.
  • The Functional Health Unit for Migrant and Border Populations was established in 2020 to formulate and propose policy, programmes and projects for comprehensive migrant health management.
  • The Digital Migration Agency launched in 2020 enables applicants for family reunification to conduct the procedure virtually.
  • The Foreign National Identity Card provides access to the job market. Foreign workers may change employers by registering their new contract of employment with the National Migration Authority, without leaving the country to apply for a new visa.

Areas with potential for further development

  • Peru holds a twofold limit on the employment of foreign workers – in each company, they cannot exceed 20 per cent of the total number of workers, and their salaries cannot exceed 30 per cent of the total payroll.
  • Although access to education is protected under the Constitution and the legal framework envisages universality and equal access, in practice, higher and professional education requires a certificate of economic solvency.
Key findings
Whole of government approach

Migration governance: Examples of well-developed areas

  • The Intersectoral Migration Management Roundtable formulates migration policy in Peru. As of 2021, it comprised 23 government entities sectors, three observer institutions, four United Nations representatives and 18 civil society entities.
  • Supreme Decree 010-2020-IN approving special, exceptional and temporary measures for regularizing the migration status of foreign nationals (2020) offered Venezuelan migrants a procedure to regularize their migration status in Peru.
  • The National Institute of Statistics and Information (INEI) publishes yearly a document entitled “Peru: Statistics on the International Emigration of Peruvians and Immigration of Foreigners”.  Moreover, MIGRACIONES gathers socio-demographic data to compile statistics on migration, jointly with INEI.

Areas with potential for further development

  • There is limited coherence between strategic planning documents on development and migration (specifically, the Bicentennial Plan: Peru towards 2021 and the National Migration Policy).
  • The presence and implementation of programmes by Peruvian agencies abroad, more particularly through the Directorate-General for Peruvian Communities Abroad and Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is thus far limited to few countries and in scope.
Key findings

Migration governance: Examples of well-developed areas

  • Peru participates in the South American Migration Conference – South American Migration Observatory (CSM-OSUMI), established in 1999.
  • As a Member Country of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN), Peru participated in the 2021 adoption of the Andean Migration Statute, which provides for temporary Andean residency as well as Andean Permanent Residency status.
  • The Virtual Registry of Foreign Contracts (SIVICE) was introduced in 2020 and it allows for the virtual registration of labour agreements with foreign employers.
  • Civil society organizations participate in the Inter-sectoral Migration Management Roundtable.

Areas with potential for further development:

  • Organizations of Peruvian communities abroad take part in migration policy coordination schemes through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, though without a direct permanent representation in the Inter-sectoral Migration Management Roundtable.
Key findings
Well-being of migrants

Migration governance: Examples of well-developed areas

  • In 2021, the National Institute of Statistics conducted the first National Labour Market Survey that includes a question on nationality.
  • Peru’s Banco de la Nación implements the Mobile Wallet (Billetera Móvil) since 2016 which enables both Peruvian nationals and foreigners with a Foreign National Identity Card to send and receive remittances.

Areas with potential for further development:

  • Most policies and measures to promote socio-economic well-being are neither focused on nor specifically targeting the migrant population.
  • There are no specific provisions for the promotion of gender equality among migrants in the labour force.
Key findings
Mobility dimensions of crises

Migration governance: Examples of well-developed areas

  • The Government incorporates mobility into its crisis response on an ad hoc manner, for example, by introducing the Temporary Residence Permit (PTP) to deal with cases of immigrants whose country is in crisis, as well as the inclusion of migrants in the COVID-19 Response Plans.
  • The Government has taken a largely multilateral approach to handling the coordination of the Venezuelan migration crisis and the impacts of COVID-19.
  • Consulates have set up online forms for requesting assistance and arranging virtual appointments for consular assistance in connection with COVID-19.

Areas with potential for further development:

  • The implementation of post-crisis recovery and management strategies that specifically take migrants into account.
  • Disaster risk management and response plans do not explicitly mention migrants, and legislation does not specifically address the rights of migrants after a crisis.
Key findings
Safe, orderly and regular migration

Migration governance: Examples of well-developed areas

  • The National Migration Authority’s Pre-Registration mobile application launched in 2020 allows both Peruvian and foreign nationals who need to enter and/or leave Peru to expedite their immigration control through electronic pre-registration.
  • The 2019 reform of the Law on the Economic and Social Reintegration of Returning Migrants (2013) extends the duration of the tax benefits to returning migrants when clearing goods through customs.
  • Law 31146 (2021) amending the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Law against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants redefines the offences of exploitation, smuggling and trafficking in persons as crimes against the legal right of human dignity
  • The Action Guidelines for Public Defence against Trafficking in Persons (2019) buttress the work of public defenders charged with providing free assistance to victims.

Areas with potential for further development:

  • Peru's regulatory framework does not specifically guarantee that the detention of migrants is used only as a measure of last resort.
  • There is no institutional framework or action protocol with procedures for seeking and locating missing migrants.

2021 Dezember

Migration Governance Indicators: Peru Second Profile