What is the Migration Data Portal?


The Portal is a unique access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data globally. The site is designed to help policy makers, national statistics officers, journalists and the general public interested in the field of migration to navigate the increasingly complex landscape of international migration data, currently scattered across different organisations and agencies. 

Especially in critical times, such as those faced today, it is essential to ensure that responses to migration are based on sound facts and accurate analysis. By making the evidence about migration issues accessible and easy to understand, the Portal aims to contribute to a more informed public debate.

The Portal was launched in December 2017 and is managed and developed by IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), with the guidance of its Advisory Board, and was supported in its conception by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Over the years, the Portal has been made possible with funding received from the Government of Germany, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) Switzerland, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Government of the United States of America, as well as from the European Union and unearmarked funding granted to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and internally allocated through the Migration Allocation Resource Committee (MiRAC).


The five main sections of the Portal are designed to help you quickly and easily find the data and information you need.


Our interactive worldmap visualizes international, publicly-available and internationally comparable migration data.

In our national data section, you can explore official national migration data for four pilot countries -- Switzerland, South Africa, New Zealand and Germany -- as well as estimates on national and subnational migration from WorldPop.

They key global figures section offers an overview of key global mobility figures, including international migrants, labour migrants, remittances, missing migrants, refugees, internal displacement, and more.

An inventory of all public data available in the Portal's database and interactive dashboards can be found in the data catalogue.

Featured data include the climate mobility impacts dashboard created by IOM's Global Data Institute (GDI), visualizing where hazard exposure, high population density, and economic vulnerability are projected to coincide in future. 

The Americas dashboard offers a detailed overview of human mobility in the region, featuring key figures, human mobility data, and thematic insights.


  • Thematic overviews explain how various aspects of migration are measured, what are the data sources, their strengths and weaknesses and provide context and analysis of key migration data.
  • Regional overviews explain regional aspects and trends, data sources, their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Spotlight sections serve as an entry point to understand the complex relationship between available migration and displacement data on specific contexts, such as food security and human mobility
  • Our expert articles and videos provide a place for the migration data community to share their opinion on new developments and policy, new data or methods.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Compact on Migration (GCM) – Migration Data, the SDGs and the new Global Compact on Migration (GCM) – Reviews the migration-related targets in the SDGs, how they are defined and measured, and provides information on the new GCM and the migration data needs to support its implementation.


Find key migration statistics by country and region and profiles of national and local migration governance structures according to the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI).  


Migration data tools are regularly added to help you find the right tools, guidelines and manuals on how to collect, interpret and disseminate migration data.


Receive quarterly news and updates on key global migration statistics and trends directly into your inbox. 


The Portal features secondary data from more than 25 data providers and data sources, and would like to thank the following providers:


The Portal is the first iteration of an ongoing process to develop a “one-stop-shop” for international data. As such, we welcome your comments to inform our process of continual improvement. Future iterations are planned for regional and national migration data.

Sign up to our quarterly newsletter to be informed when new features and tools are added. Contact us via migrationdataportal@iom.int.