
Migration Governance Indicators Data and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: A Baseline Report


This document analyses global, regional and thematic trends that emerge from MGI data in relation to the general commitment and the range of associated actions for each of the 23 Global Compact for Migration objectives. Grounded on the mapping of MGI indicators against Global Compact objectives, data analysis is based on MGI data collected between 2016 and 2021 for 84 countries that voluntarily conducted an MGI assessment and for which data are readily available as of March 2022. The core of the document consists of 23 data bulletins displaying global and regional summary statistics of the answers to the MGI questions mapped against the respective Compact objectives. MGI data are complemented by a series of secondary (external) variables that help contextualize MGI results. This information is complemented by “MGI data insights”, which are text boxes showing glimpses of interesting trends found in the data. Finally, qualitative MGI data are incorporated into the data bulletins by the inclusion of a series of MGI selected examples detailing relevant policies (one for each objective).


Baseline report


International Organization for Migration (IOM)

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