PRIMI: Regional Platform for Migration Information

This platform provides official migration data from the countries of Central America and the Caribbean. Funded by the IOM Development Fund, it makes data on migration generated by the governments of the region and disaggregated by sex, age and nationality available to decision makers and the general public. Featuring visual representations (infographics, interactive maps, dynamic graphs, tables) and interactive databases, to allow the crossing of variables to facilitate their analysis, PRIMI brings together information produced by IOM and other data provided by governments in order to facilitate understanding of migratory flows in the region, as well as the design of migration programmes and policies.
The migration information available in the platform is managed by a regional network of representatives from national migration directorates. This network allows the sharing of records of international entrances and exits, residences, returns and other administrative data, in order to strengthen coordination and information flows between governments. The project to create the platform is also carrying out continuous work to strengthen the capacities of national migration offices in the region.