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Laura Bartolini

Researcher/DTM Focal Point

Laura Bartolini is a researcher and DTM focal point at IOM's Coordination Office for the Mediterranean, in Rome, since 2016. For the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) project in Europe, she coordinates interviews with migrants arriving in Italy through the Central Mediterranean route and performs analyses on mixed migration flows to Europe through surveys collected in Italy, Spain and the Western Balkan countries. She supports the consolidation and publication of data on arrivals, apprehensions at borders and migrant presence in reception for the Mediterranean and the Western Balkan region. She has done research on vulnerable migrants, including victims of exploitation and abuse and unaccompanied migrant children, and supports the internal management of the data of the beneficiaries of IOM in Italy. Previously, she was a research associate of the European University Institute (2011-2016) and collaborated with OECD, the World Bank, FIERI, and others.

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